scar revision

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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scar revision

Postby » Thu Sep 24, 1998 8:50 am

hello, can anyone give me any info on what exactly the scar
revision surgery is? my daughter was born with a mild incomplete
cleft lip no surgery was done she is 9mos and want to know if
maybe scar revision would be good? I know its the second surgery
after closure right? well my daughter's lip is closed but has the
deep scar and puckered lip her nose is also slightly flat on that
side. can anyone tell me if a scar revision surgery would help

Re: scar revision

Postby Anonymous » Mon Nov 16, 1998 7:23 pm

Hello, I don't know anything about this surgery yet because my
daughter is only 15 months old. Right now Children's medical
center of Dallas suggested we use something called
"Mederma". It is used to soften the appearance of
scars. You apply it to the scar 4 times a day. Destiny has been
using it for about 2 months now and you can actually tell a big
difference in her scar on her lip. I know you can purchase this
cream at Eckerd, and Wal-Mart. It is an over the counter product
but you need to ask the pharmasict for it because normally the
keep it off the shelves. It costs my about $30 a tube, but she is
still on her first tube. Hope it helps some. If you don't mind me
asking, did your child have any difficulty with self esteem
throughout her childhood? Sometimes I worry about that with my
daughter. Amber email

Re: scar revision

Postby » Thu Nov 19, 1998 8:23 am

hello, does that mcderma cream only work as long as you use it
or is there a point when you stop using it? just wondering if the
results last after you stop applying the cream? my daughter is
11mos and is going to have revision surgery on december 3rd. im
not quite sure what the results will be i hope good. she was born
with a mild imcomplete cleft lip only so she hasnt had any
surgery of any kind yet. this is only to help get a more normal
functional appearance for her lip. i dont think its gonna help
her nose yet dr. said to wait till she was like 3yrs to do that.
well hopefully this surgery will be a success. hope to hear some

Re: scar revision

Postby » Sun Nov 14, 1999 8:13 pm

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Re: scar revision

Postby » Mon Dec 24, 2001 7:35 am

where can i find mcderma. what stores carry this item. i have a 16 and 18 years old teenagers that are really interested. please email me with info. thank you .

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