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We are the champions

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 1998 3:57 pm
by Gilles
Hello !

I just discovered a few days ago that there is a
"cleft" internet community growing up here. So I would
like to give some support to all of you who are going through
difficult moments.

I am 29 yo and I was born with a cleft lip and palate. I
NEVER thought of it as anything that could affect my future
integration into society. After all it is just a minor, very
common birth defect. So what? My nose and lips have weird,
uncommon shapes. So what? Is that really of any importance at
all? We are all very lucky to have been born in a society that
offers to us so many good things. Life is beautiful, this is a
beatiful planet we all live in. I am so happy to be part the
marvelous mistery that our universe is...

I am a engineer and MBA and I work for the United Nations.
Remember: find what you want from life and fight for it until you
drop. Solve every problem as it comes. Go for surgery. Improve
your life day after day, year after year!!

Love & Good luck to all !!