Another speech question...kind of...

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Another speech question...kind of...

Postby jacksmom » Mon May 05, 2008 6:14 pm

This is kind of crazy question...but I'm hoping someone else in our "cleft" family has some experience.....
Ever since Jackson had his palate repaired (in April 07) he has been making a "clicking" sound with the back of his tongue and his palate. It's hard to describe when you can't actually hear it. It started out as something he just did occasionally, but now he is doing it more and more, and seems to be using it in place of talking. Like, when he wants something, he will point and "click" with his mouth. The speech therapist said last week that she has never heard anything like it, but that she was beginning to worry about it. Since then I have been telling him "no" and "I don't understand that" when he does it, but he seems to be getting aggravated. Has anyone else had any experience with this type of thing? I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do about it....
As always.....thanks for the input!
Allison S.
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Jackson- 6/29/06 (Bil cleft palate)
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Postby Linda S S » Mon May 05, 2008 6:38 pm

This may seem like a strange response, but have you tried "clicking" back to see his response?

Years ago I worked in a group home for children who were all nonverbal. One in particular had been misdiagnosed as deaf and blind, but we could prove he was not deaf or blind, he had autism. If we "clicked" he would "click" back so we knew he wasn't deaf. He would smile and laugh when we did this. One of his favorite things to do was to scoot across the floor and take the socks off the other kids so he could flip the socks by the side of his face. He could find the other kids via peripheral vision even if the kids were moved and weren't making any noise.

Does Jackson point only when he wants something or does he also point to bring something to your attention/ show you something? Is he social with other children or just adults? What does he like to play with? Are there noises which appear to bother him?
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Postby jacksmom » Mon May 05, 2008 7:15 pm

Jackson is very social with other children.....he loves playing with his friends at school and church. He plays with anything and everything you would expect a little boy to play with...trucks trains and LOVES being outside. He communicates mainly with sign language, but can definitely let you know what he wants if you don't understand him. We have been assured by all of Jackson's therapists that he is nowhere NEAR being on the autism spectrum. The speech pathologist seems to think that he just has a speech delay. The clicking is just a weird thing...I have gotten several private messages from other Moms whose children make the same maybe it has to do with them getting used to having a palate. Just nice to know that I'm not alone!
Mom to:
Griffin- 6/22/04
Jackson- 6/29/06 (Bil cleft palate)
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Postby Linda S S » Mon May 05, 2008 8:40 pm

Glad to know he's so social. Two of my nephews were later talkers, nothing else going on with them. Their little sister was born with a UCL, so it will be interesting to see how her speech develops.
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Postby rainhawk » Fri May 09, 2008 1:06 am

my son Devon made all kinds of weird sounds, including the clicking. I remember driving and hearing a sound, but realized it was him after seeing him do it in the mirror. At 15 months he is finally trying to talk- mainly composed of G sounds- like goo go ga ga, and "Ch" sounds.
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Postby Babyk » Fri May 09, 2008 9:46 am

Avery has started to whisper to himself as he is going to sleep and when he is watching his nursery rhyme shows. It is so cute! He babbles pretty much non-stop so it will be interesting to see what happens after his surgery.
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