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nebraska cleft parents?

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:52 am
by Bailliejo
Is there anyone out there that has a child with a cleft that has had any of their surgeries in Omaha, NE? The plastic surgeons we have talked to say they will do Jacob's palate surgery when he is 14 months old. We would like to get it done before our second son is born. He will be born when Jacob is 12 Months old. Can anyone help with advise?

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:01 pm
by jacksmom
I hope I don't sound "bossy", but all of three of the plastic surgeons we talked with agreed that the palate should be closed before 12 months to have the best results with speech. I know they did say that there were some exceptions, if the cleft was severe. Jackson had his palate repair at nine months. Is there another cleft group in the area that you could get a second opinion? Just a thought.....
Allison S.