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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:37 am
by Bailliejo
I have the nuby sippy cup for my son. He knows that he needs to bite on it to get milk out, but he will bite it get fluid in his mouth and it will just run down the side of his mouth. His whole front gets soaked. I'm not sure what to do. He doesn't get upset when we give him the sippy cup, it just pours out his mouth. Does anyone have any advise?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:55 pm
by heather
The same thing happened with Eyson. The front of him would just be soaked. He did learn after a little while how to keep it in his mouth. He had to learn how to suck on it a little. It just takes everything else. He still bites on his, as well. But he's learned how to keep it in.