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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:55 pm
by ssmehyl
Okay Bauer has been working on his sippy for a few weeks now. He's finally starting to get it. However, I was watching how far it goes in his mouth sometimes and started wondering if it hits his palate. We are using the "Insulated No-Spill Cups" soft sippy spout by Nuby.
I put it in my mouth and noticed it hits a little bit of the palate behind the teeth. Is this a problem? I know nobody is a doctor, but has anyone heard? I'm going to e-mail my doctor too, but figured I would ask all of you if we are even using the appropriate nipple. Hope this post makes sense!:)
Please, help!!!


PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:33 am
by heather
It's not a problem. If it was right after surgery and there were still stitches to be popped it may have been. But this far after surgery he should be just fine. I'm glad to hear that he's finally getting used to it. Eyson uses the same nipple, but just the plain Jane Nuby.


PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:11 pm
by ssmehyl
Hey heather.

well, that's what i'm talking about. right after his palate surgery will he be okay? i realize he will probably not want it until a few days after. we'll more than likely use the syringe for a few days like last time.

There may still be stitches in his palate when he starts taking the nuby. Will it be okay then?

He doesn't have his palate surgery until the end of march.

Thank you so so so much for replying!!


PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:41 pm
by heather
Eyson was syringe fed for a couple days. A couple days after the surgery the swelling will start going down quite a bit. He should be okay to use the sippy. Eyson never sucked on the nipple. He always bit it. I don't know if Bauer does the same thing but he never bothered his stitches that way. I think Eyson was just so ready to have more than the little bit that was coming from the syringe that he wanted the sippy. He was eating soft foods like the Gerber Graduates raviolis and vegetables, you know...the self feeding foods, about 4 days after his surgery. He never once had a problem with anything bothering the stitches. And believe me, he was one solid stitch being a bilateral palate. So everything should be okay. Bauer will want more after a couple days of very little. They're very tough. Tougher than we think most of the time. Heather