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airplane help????

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:07 am
by jdabliz2
hi all!! im taking my son aidan (ucl bcp)on a flight to flordia in november, he will be 2 in january. he has had surgery to repair his cleft lip and palate, and has had ears tubes inserted, which has since been falling out and the e.n.t. suggests that aidan wont need the tubes anymore. im a little concerned about the flight due to the pressure on the plane. anyone with thoughts or suggestions, or expierience with taking kids on a plane, i would love to hear them. im not even sure if i should be concerned about aidan, i should be concerned about my 5 year old, who cant sit for 2 mintutes without jumoing around lol!!!!!!!!! thanks joe

airplane help

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:14 pm
by Linda S S
Having something to suck on and swallowing (particularly during take-off and landing) helps equalize the pressure in one's ears.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:52 pm
by Jacobsmommy
i agree make him swallow during take off and landing, if you feel pressure in your ears he does too, get him to eat or drink something. I recently took a trip with my son bilateral cleft lip and palate 2nd set of tubes who will be 2 in January. My main problem was keeping him occupied. He didn't act like his ears bothered him at all. i suggest a favorite book, a familiar toy, and extra drink (because they seem to go through it quicker when you don't have anymore)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:13 pm
by jdabliz2
thank you both so much. joe

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:52 am
by jacksmom
Jackson had his palate repaired in April, and we have flown several times since then. He has not had any trouble on the plane, but he also still has his tubes in place.The ENT told us that the tubes would keep the ears open and keep the pressure from building up. I usually try and give him a sippy cup during take off and landing just in case. I'll be flying with my 3 year old for the first time next week, so I'll be sure and let you know how that goes! Good luck!