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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:18 pm
by Kerri
Just so you know, we'll all be thinking of you and your family tomorrow! You've been so great and made so many of us smile waiting for your little one..I hope all goes well..Enjoy your last night with that belly, get some rest, and let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE how things went and how you all are doing! As you know, we all LOVE pictures..We're sitting back and waiting to welcome Zachary Owen a.k.a ~Z-pup~ to the world..Enjoy that little face while you can and take TONS of pictures because time flies by so fast and that face, well, you'll miss it!! Good luck to you tomorrow Tia!! Good lord I'm getting emotional typing :roll: WHEW!! Of course I have to go back and look at Ella's notch lol..Hugs to you and to a speedy labor!!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:52 pm
by Carrie
well said Kerri, I second that... :)