Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surgeries

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surgeries

Postby msconyer@aol.com » Wed Sep 30, 1998 7:11 pm

Our daughter is 20 & has had 6 surgeries on her cleft
lip/nose/alveolar ridge. She is in the middle of getting a bridge
from a prostadontist and the injections that she has to receive
to numb the upper front teeth are excruciating for her because of
all the scar tissue that has built up from her surgeries. Has
anyone had to deal with this? Are there ways to avoid some of the
excruciating pain? Are there prostadontists that specialize in
kids with clefts who have special ways to give these injections?
Any help will be appreciated. Maybe there is a new technique or
type of injection that can be administered in these type of
situations that we could tell our prostadontist about.

Re: Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surg

Postby Anonymous » Thu Oct 01, 1998 11:52 am

My dentist uses an "air gun" that shoots a bit of
air towards the nerve, numbing it for about 45 seconds. This
gives him enough time to inject the medication without too much
pain. I don't have a cleft and don't know if this applies, but it
might be worth looking into. Only some dentists seem to use this
procedure, so you may have to do some outside research in order
to educate your dentist.

Re: Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surg

Postby Anonymous » Fri Nov 13, 1998 7:12 am

I work in a dental office as an asst. Ask the prosthodontist
if he/she can use a topical anesthetic since I'm sure not many
would carry the air gun that the previous responder mentioned.
(It would be nice if they all did) But there are short term
topical anesthetics that do not involve a needle. This would
allow the dentist and your child the comfort of then receiving a
needle after this has been applied.

Re: Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surg

Postby BrendaSta@AOL.COm » Mon Jan 11, 1999 9:38 am

Well, I also have extremely painful dental injections. I am 25
and had a terrible fall in Feb '97. I lost bone and 7 teeth. I am
in the long process of having teeth implants. Having 8 surgeries
just in 1998, you can imagine the scar tissue. I can't say I am
happy to read this posting, but it validates why I have soo much
pain with just novacaine. I am home now from surgery this
morning. Pain. I don't think there is anything that can help-
unless her doctor doesnt' use "The Wand". It is a
fairly new way of administering novacaine. Basically, it is still
a needle, but the flow is controled by a machine and therefore,
flows slower, and I believe hurts less- though I don't know what
I would do if there was more pain!- Can't imagine.

Re: Extremely painful dental injections due to 6 cleft surg

Postby marci6227 » Sat Aug 28, 1999 4:45 am

i too work as an asst. and totally agree with you

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