4 yrs. old,what's next?

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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4 yrs. old,what's next?

Postby Angie » Fri Aug 31, 2001 5:33 pm

My son, Travis, was born with a complete, unilateral cleft lip and palate. Both have been repaired and he is nearing his fourth birthday. I am just worried that his development is not being followed closely enough. His pediatrician says not to worry about speech therapy yet as he is so young. The dentist doesn't comment on any future needs. We see his plastic surgeon once a year. I have heard of other children with clefts who have yearly meetings with "cleft teams". Am I missing out on something that is important? Any suggestions or recommendations? (We live in S. Indiana.) Thanks

Re: 4 yrs. old,what's next?

Postby Keri » Mon Sep 03, 2001 5:33 am

I don't know much about the actual treatment but my neice is just 13 months old and they are talking about starting speech therapy for her as soon as she starts talking. Now that her main surgeries are over they only want to see her every six months or so. Maybe you should get a second opinion or just question your doctor about it. Hope things work out ok.


Re: 4 yrs. old,what's next?

Postby Edie » Tue Sep 04, 2001 9:57 am

All I can say is that my 4 year old son is still receiving speech therapy and will continue to until..I don't know when. He started going when he was probably 2 1/2 years old. He was born with a cleft lip/palate. I think he has had a very hard time with speech more so than other cleft babies. He didn't really talk sentences until 3 years old. I don't consider that good being that most babies talk at 1 years old at the earliest. He got so used to talking through his nose and has tongue placemet problems and I still don't know if he will ever be able to get the tongue placement correct. He sees the "cleft team" every 6 months at Children's Hospital. He ses: Dentist, ears nose and throat, hearing test, and then docto's evaluate him emotionally and the surgeon and his team see how the scar is doing and how his words come out. Then we talk about upcoming surgeries and/or tests. I find it very helpful and puts my mind at ease when we go.

I recommend you start speech therapy asap and make an appointment with the "team", It good for both you and your child and definetly couldn't hurt. The earlier the better because it seems the younger they are the more they can take in and learn.

Please email me with any questions at edie_me@hotmail.com

Re: 4 yrs. old,what's next?

Postby Jill » Mon Sep 10, 2001 1:22 pm

My son is just about to turn 4 too! He has been in speech for 1 year now and it has helped him alot! We do see a cleft/lip and palate team once a year.

He too has had 2 surgeries to repair a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. The surgeon said he won't need anymore until he's 5.

I too suggest getting involved with a "team". It's a great way to get second opinions! You should probably have him evaluated for speech as our "team" said the earlier the better, and the more the better.

Jill mrskuroos@ivillage.com

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