In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise please!

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise please!

Postby Amy » Sat Aug 18, 2001 9:56 pm

Hi, I'm new here and am so happy to see such an active site on this subject. I have a 7 y.o. son with a cl and cleft soft palate. He has only had 2 surgeries (lip and palate closure). Our dr. that did the surgeries has since retired and after talking with his collegue's patients at clinic, they aren't too pleased with him. I'm able to travel anywhere to any surgeon. Right now we are looking at a bone graft soon (he's almost expanded enough with a palate expander), and the plastic surgeon suggested a revision for thick scar tissue. His palate seems to be functioning o.k. except for some "air" sounds when he eats (kind of hard to explain, but this just started). It sounds like dr. Magee would be wonderful. We're in Kansas, do you think you would travel that far for it. Any opinions would be helpful. Thanks. Amy

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Susan » Sun Aug 19, 2001 7:03 am

Check out Chapel hill which has a wonderful team approach, a super clinical coordinator, and a surgeon who is talented and very kind. The Cleft Palate Foundation relocated there, and the team is very involved. We are so pleased.

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby George Mendoza » Wed Aug 22, 2001 1:40 pm

Hi there! My son has a cleft lip and palate both soft and hard palate. His doctor is an angel sent by God to us. His name is Dr. Michael Carsten in Childrens Hospital in Oakland. He is a wonderful surgeon with a different approach to children with cleft. His technique is quite different with others which produces such great results. My son's speech is astonishing. He has no problem with it at all. He can pronounce the letters B and there are no nasal sounds at all. Just to let u know also, Dr. Carsten also has a cleft lip and palate. That is why his passion is to help children with cleft. He also goes to third world countries to donate his services for free. So check him out. If u have any further questions, email me at God bless and hope i was able to help. Good luck to your child. Hoping for the best.
George Mendoza

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Anonymous » Thu Aug 23, 2001 9:02 pm

Dear Amy,
I understand your problem exactly. I am partners with Dr. Bill Magee in Norfolk, Va. Together, we have taken care of over 3,000 children with clefts. We have patients come from all over the country to our craniofacial clinic every week. We have an awesome team assembled here and a very unique approach to children with clefts or any facial deformities in that we treat them as our own family. We have free accomodations for families outside of our area and have a Children's Hospital which is the best I have ever worked at. Please email me your phone # and I will be happy to talk to you on the phone. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Richard Rosenblum, M.D.

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Ken McAlpin » Thu Aug 30, 2001 8:30 am

Amy -- My son, Kyle is 12 years old, and his doctor is Dr. Dennis Schuster -- 747 8th Avenue -- Fort Worth, TX 76104 -- phone = 817-335-6801.
He is absolutely wonderful, and I thank God that he and Kyle got together.
Best of luck to you, your son, and your family.
Yours in prayer,
Ken McAlpin

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Christine Danforth » Thu Sep 06, 2001 11:03 am

Dear Amy, I am not sure what part of Kansas that you are from, but Dr. John Hiebert at St. Lukes South in Kansas City is awesome!!!! I have had my son with his clinic for almost 6years now and he continues to impress me with his knowledge and loving nature. If you would like more info let me know.
Christine Danforth

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Lishia Reich  & » Mon Oct 08, 2001 10:54 am

HI, MY name is Mrs Reich, I under stand very much of what your going through, I am sugesting you to call Dornbecker childrens hospital in portland & ask them about DR Ozaki, plastic surgey. He is wanderful. Has completed my sons surgerys. I live in Bend Oregon, my phone #is (541)330-9103. Any guestions please call me. Ialso have a 1800 # to portland if you need call any time. sincerley Mrs Reich
Lishia Reich  &

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Cindy Joy » Tue Nov 13, 2001 12:45 pm

I am a 44 year old women who has in the last 1 1/2 had a
couple of surgeries to revise my lip and my scare on my
cleft lip. (I also was born with a cleft palate) I found
a wonderful dr through this web page. Her name is Stacey Folk,
she is in Denver, and works with Children hospital here. Her
phone # 303-321-6608, her web address is
She has done a beautiful job for me and she is a wonderful person.
Cindy Joy

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Karen » Tue Jan 21, 2003 12:57 pm

I was reading through these posts trying to prepare myself for my son's first lip repair. I see that Dr. Rosenblum, Dr. Magee's partner replied. Did you get in touch with them or go with someone more local? I am so torn as to what to do. Can you share your experience with me? I just don't know how to know I've got the right surgeon.

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby » Thu May 08, 2003 11:13 am

Just wondering if you used Magee/Rosenblum? I am looking for a surgeon to remove my daughter's nevus sebaceous on her face. Please email me at Thanks, Deborah

Re: In desperate need of a better surgeon! Need advise pleas

Postby Andrea » Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:39 am

Try to go to smithtown long island ny and get in touch with dr. lucash he will have your child not have so many surgeries as others plus the nose will be beatiful

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