lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby » Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:07 pm

i have 2 1/2 year old twin boys one with unilateral lip and palate the other with bilateral lip and palate they have both successfully had both repairs done. i would be interested in anyones comments on cosmetic type surgery to make the noses more symetrical and lips a nicer shape. should i wait till they are 18 and finnished growing or try for some improvment now before they go to school. they both look lovely but could have better shaped noses.

Re: lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby » Thu Jul 26, 2001 2:17 pm

Hi, our 7 year old son had a nose lip revision
at 4 years old, just before he started school.
Our surgeon recommended this as i had never been happy
with his appearance from the first operation.
He now looks great, no problems settling in at school.
good luck to you all

Re: lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby » Fri Jul 27, 2001 1:29 am

thats good news. did you find it hard for a surgeon toagree to do revision as we get the impression thatits best to wait for the nose to grow properley or they will end up with too much scar tissue. does your son speak ok . our two will need speach therapy. but not too bad just small errors. but tom is a bit nasal. which we think is due to laziness as he can speak well if he concentrates and repeats.

Re: lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby » Fri Jul 27, 2001 1:20 pm

Hi Isaac's speech is brilliant due i think to a lot
of speech therapy and constant prompting from me
when he was small! Our surgeon was fine about operating
at that age and the results were wonderful. The
scarring is really good quite faint unless tired or
poorly. We are waiting to see the team in the new
year to see when orthodontics will start ready for his bone
graft. Isaac was born with a bi-lateral lip and palate
and has had three ops so far. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any

Re: lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby » Sat Jul 28, 2001 3:22 am

Thanks for your e-mail
have tried to reply but cannot get through
will try again.

Re: lip and nose improvements  in the uk

Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 17, 2001 6:33 pm

I am Dr. Richard Rosenblum in Norfolk, Va.,USA. Together with my partner Dr. Magee, we have repaired over 3,000 clefts. We firmly believe that early repairs are the key to excellent functional and aesthetic results. We repair noses and perform touch-up surgeries early and have seen no problems with nasal growth. The key is early intervention and getting things as perfect as possible before self-awareness and school age issues come in to play. We have taken care of patients from all over the world and would be happy to talk yo you. My home phone # 757 537 8086 and email Please call me with any questions. Good Luck!

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