Why did it take so long?

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Why did it take so long?

Postby Shevanti » Fri Jul 20, 2001 6:53 am

My baby is now one year old and he still hasn't had sergery. Now I researched the Palate and they said that it would be done at 9 months. I was ran back and forth from the hospital and the clinic. Changed doctors three times. Now they are saying that the most of the team members are not under the HMO that we have and/of not under any HMO's. How is the team supposed to help my child if they can't put themselves under most plans? Not everyone have money. How do I deal with this? Please help!!!!!

Re: Why did it take so long?

Postby Anonymous » Wed Aug 22, 2001 8:10 pm

HI Shevanti,
What state do you live in? Some states do have finacial help for cleft children. E-mail me and I will send you information.

Re: Why did it take so long?

Postby boggs_wesley@hotmail.com » Mon Sep 03, 2001 11:37 am

it might be a little drastic, but... iwas born 22 yrs ago wit ha 3rd degree cleft lip and palate, bth repaired within the first year... to this day i have NO speech problems, perfect hearing, 20/20 vision, NEVER had an ear infection, and almost unnoticeable scarring, and perfect teeth... why?... the air force... this is not some recruitment ploy, this is genuine... both my parents were in the air force and received the best medical care in the world!.. for nothing... no hmo's, no bills, no hassles... and it didn't cost one dime... just something for you and your husband t oconsider... if active duty is not an option, the guard has the same plan i believe... feel free to email me back with any q's...

-wesley boggs-

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