Post cleft repair, feeding woes...need help

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Post cleft repair, feeding woes...need help

Postby Melanie - mom of Savanna » Tue Apr 11, 2000 6:50 pm

Hello friends!
I hadn't realized how long it has been since i've visited Smiles. Hope everyone is well. Savanna is now more than a month past her palate repair and doing wonderful....except that every single piece of solid food gags her. I need advice!!! She eats #3 baby foods and mashed potatoes, pudding...all smoooshy foods. The #3 baby foods that have bits in them, such as noodles, gag her. I dont know what to do.

She will be celebrating her first birthday on Easter Sunday!! Boy, I can remember the days (or months) that I wasn't sure she would have a birthday.

Anyway, your help is greatly appreciated. Our email is

Best wishes and God bless!

Melanie - mom of Savanna

Re: Post cleft repair, feeding woes...need help

Postby » Thu Apr 13, 2000 4:33 am

Hi Melanie,

It's Krista. We still have 3 and a half weeks until the big operation. I'm doing much better and not quite so stressed.

About the gagging....I babysat a one year old who had no palate or any other such problems and she always gagged on #3 foods. It may just be the food, not the palate. As long as Savanna is eating though she will be fine.

Hope I helped,

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