
Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby Kent...kent.gregory@home. » Sat Feb 05, 2000 9:22 pm

My sister had her 1st born 3 days ago. The little guy has a unilateral cleft palate and hairlip. I know very little, but am quickly learning. One thing i have learned is that early surgery is helpful. I am at a total loss at finding out who the best surgeons are in our area and know there is not alot of time to shop around......i just want the best for my nephew. My wife is expecting our first child in 2 months(fingers crossed) I want a perfect child, but if and when it just wont seem fair. I already love this guy and want the best for him. We live in Edmonton,Alberta Canada. I am curious if anyone has any info on expert surgeons in Western Canada. I am willing to foot the bill if alot of people recommend a surgeon in the U.S.

Thanks for listening....see you around!

Re: Help

Postby » Mon Feb 07, 2000 2:10 pm

Hi Kent. My name is Kathy Moore and I live in London, Ontario CANADA. My daughhter was born with a cleft lip and palate 2 1/2 years ago. I imagine your sister is probably feeling the exact same way that I did. We were lucky to be living in a city that is known for its Children's Hospital. We received excellent care form all of the doctors. Dr. Martin Lacey was her plastic surgeon and he did an absolutely amazing job on our daughter's lip and palate. I know London is probably a fair distance to go to from Edmonton but it could be wothwhile to receive excellent care. Please respond back.

Re: Help

Postby Kent » Mon Feb 07, 2000 8:50 pm

Thank you very much for responding to my post. I have SO many questions. Does your child require some more surgery? How visible is the scarring.....these web pictures are a little blurry, but still VERY encouraging. How is your childs speech and ears?.....i have so many questions. How soon was lip surgery? Pallet surgery?

My sisters son Ethan has a bilateral Cleft pallet and a unilateral cleft lip. His mouth looks VERY similar to "baby Marina" on this site. He is feeding very well though which is encouraging and seems very strong.....he's so cute too!

I,m searching for some sorta journal about surgeons in Western Canada which applauds the miracles these people do, hopefully catching some praise about the local teams.

It's very nice too talk to someone who has been down some of the paths we are facing and i look forward to hearing from you again. We are just SO anxious to find out if the little guys gonna be ok. It's VERY encouraging to hear that you are pleased with the work on your 2 1/2 year old. It's good to know that there is good technology and staff in Canada. Is your childs picture on the web anywhere?

So many many questions
I'll back off on you for now.....and hit you with another barrage of questions another day...heh.

thanks and take care.

Re: Help

Postby Anonymous » Mon Feb 07, 2000 9:57 pm

Kent, check out this site.

<a href=""></a>

I don't know the names of the team in the chuck, but if you do, you can check the journal. Also check the poster sessions listed as part of the annual convention. These docs work on some prettyinteresting stuff. HOpe your nephew is doing well. Is he being fed breastmilk? My little girl is also on the web -- write me and I will give you the URL. Hope all is going well.
Pat in Calgary

Re: Help

Postby » Tue Feb 08, 2000 8:09 am

Hi Kent. I wish I could show you a picture of my daughter Jenna. She looks absolutely beautiful. Her plastic surgeon did a wonderful job. She had her first surgery when she was two months old. This was an initial repair to the lip, a lip adhesion is what they called it. At approx. seven months she had another surgery to do more repair to the lip. This was more cosmetic - reshaping the lip. We were very lucky with Jenna. She was always home the next day from the hospital. Her incisions healed really well and there is very minimal scarring. If you didn't know her you would never know she was born with a cleft lip. Just before her first before they repaired the palate. She has also had two sets of tubes in her ears more for precautionary reasons. She has had maybe three ear infections and they were all minor. Her speech is coming along very well. She has trouble pronouncing t, b, d,and any hard sounding syllables but she is trying. We see a speech therapist who works with her. She doesn't stop talking form the minute she gets up to when she goes to bed. I hope I answered some of your questions. We still have a long way to go with her orthodontic and dental procedures but for now Jenna is a happy two year old. We think she may be done with plastic surgery. She may need some touch ups later on if we choose to do so. Her doctor is very pleased with her progress. Hope to hear form you soon.

Re: Help

Postby Rabidkiwi » Fri Feb 11, 2000 3:10 pm

My son was born 3 weeks ago and he has unilateral cleft lip and palate. He will be having his first surgery on April 6, he was born January 19. His plastic surgeon is highly recommended here in Winnipeg which is a touch closer to edmonton. His name is Dr. B. G. Singh. He does an absolutely wonderful job according to the pictures I have seen. I am glad to hear your nephew is doing well. I wish your sister all the luck in the world, and will keep her little one in my prayers. Hope to hear from you.

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