shouod i get surgery?

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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shouod i get surgery?

Postby » Sat Jan 08, 2000 7:07 pm

I am a 16 year old male and before i was born my cleft lip healed up, but yet my nose an lip are distorted to some extent. I really want surgery, but i am wondering how much it would be and if i should actually get surgery. i would appreciate some feedback.

Re: shouod i get surgery?

Postby Angela » Tue Jan 11, 2000 1:39 pm should only have surgery if you feel like you should. If you are happy with your appearance...then don't change a thing. But if you are uncomfortable with your appearance or feel like you would be happier if you had surgery, then I say go for it. It's all about how you feel. About the cost...I can't say for son had a lip repair, a palate repair, and one subsequent surgery to fine-tune both of those previous surgeries. The surgeon's bill each time was approximately $2000.00. I don't really recall the hospital's charges. Hope this helps...good luck to you!!! Follow your heart...the rest has a way of working out.

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