We need help finding a pacifier

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Carol » Sun Dec 26, 1999 7:55 pm

Does anyone know where we can purchase a pacifier for our baby with a cleft palate. The babe is a little collic and a pacifer my comfort him. Thanx

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Chrissy @ Cool, CA » Fri Dec 31, 1999 8:42 pm

The only suggestion I have is what we did with our daughter. Alix has a cleft lip and palate and she was never really colic but she loved a pacifier. What we got was one of the pacifiers with a very round and big nipple. That was the only one that seemed to stay in her mouth and that gave her the suction sensation. However, it was hard to find so when it was time to replace it- well we couldnt find any others like it. Good Luck!! Chrissy
Chrissy @ Cool, CA

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Spices@aol.com » Thu Feb 03, 2000 8:00 am

We found that an orthotonic pacifier seemed to work best but mainly someone just sat by him and held their finger on it to hold it in his mouth. This made for a very spoiled child. Once he had lip surgery he could keep it better. But he still thought someone was supposed to be with him all the time. He is 8 now and I don't think it hurt him to be spoiled as a baby.

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Rhonda » Mon Feb 07, 2000 7:06 pm

Hi. With my own experience, and doctor, they
would not allow my baby to have a pacifier.
The doctor did not want her to get used to the
"sucking" in fear that after her surgery we would
have a dificult time getting her to eat.

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby puppy instead of pacifier » Thu Mar 16, 2000 1:18 am

My son was born in Dec. of 98, and we also experi-
mented with all kinds of pacifiers including cutting
and filing some of them to make them fit better.
Then, for Valentine's Day 99, my husband's grandmother
gave Brandon a little stuffed puppy, about 6" tall
with little floppy ears that were the perfect size
for his little hands to carry it around by. Imagine
our surprise when we realised several weeks later
that he had started using the puppies ear as a pacifier.
It was so funny! He had that puppy in his mouth all
the time, just like a real pacifier. Of course it
didn't take long for the puppy's ears to start smell-
ing, it needed to be washed!! And it only took him
being without it one time(while it washed and dried)
for me to realise we had to have more of that same
puppy because his other animals weren't the same.
And of course V-Day was over, so it took me a week
and lots of shopping to find some that were the exact
same but a different color. Eureka!! I wash at least
one every day, but we always have backups. Brandon is
15 months old now, and he still carries his puppies
around by their ears. At least one goes in every diapar
bag I pack. Children are amazingly resilient, aren't
puppy instead of pacifier

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Bono40@aol.com » Sat Apr 29, 2000 9:33 pm

Try the Gerber soft center - a lifesaver!

Re: We need help finding a pacifier

Postby Anonymous » Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:35 pm

me tto, I am having a hard time finding the same pacifier!!PLz help!!!

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