Cool post-op feeding trick!!

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Cool post-op feeding trick!!

Postby Elizabeth » Sat Nov 27, 1999 2:02 pm

I just discovered a great way to help my Samuele
eat! He had palate repair and is 13 months old today.
He really is pretty much over the soft food stage of his recovery,
but I still make him alot of smoothies because he is so tiny yet.
Sammy is not too good at liquids, though, and swallows thicker things
much easier than just plain milk.
When I make his smoothies I pretty much throw everything but the kitchen sink in them !
Yesterday I put a speck of instant pudding in the blender..just enough to start it thickening..
and it worked great! I didn't use the whole packet,and it thickened it up nicely!

Hope this comes in handy!

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