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Adult repair

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2000 11:43 am
Does anyone know about any govenment funding or aide to help pay for the cleft plate and lip surgeries? I know that there are some the help the children, but are there any who can help an adult (I'm 23)? I only need about 2 more surgeries. My family and I have never needed help until know. Does any one have any sudgestions?

Re: Adult repair - financial aid

PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 3:11 pm
by Anonymous
I see your post is from over six months ago, but I still wanted to let you -- and anyone else who would benefit -- know that there is an organization called The Foundation for Surgical Reconstruction (phone number 310-315-9554) which I think is just what you are looking for. Call and ask them to mail you an application. Best wishes!