Pacifier suggestions needed

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby » Wed Jun 21, 2000 10:32 am


My son Josh was born on may 29th with a bilateral cleft lip and pallette. we have seen a slew of specialists and have decided on a craniofacial team to do the procedures. thats all taken care of...

We are running into a slight problem. Josh wants to suck on a pacifier, and does so quite well, provided you hold it in his mouth, as soon as you let go, he drops it out of his mouth and starts to cry.
anyone had any better results with a particular brand? Is there a pacifier especially made for kids with this condition?

any comments are greatly appreciated.

please respond via email to


Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Dianne » Sat Jun 24, 2000 7:26 am

There is a special device call the Obee, it basically holds the soother for the baby. I am not too sure about it, but there is some information on regarding it. I will see what else about it I can find out today and get back to you.


Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Dianne » Sat Jun 24, 2000 8:40 am

Hi, here is the information I obtained from widesmiles. I have spoken to about 10 parents who swear by it and love it:

OOBEE Pacifier Keeper

The OOBEE is a long, soft device with a velcro loop on either end, made specifically for helping a baby with a deficient suck to hold a pacifier more easily. I have seen this device and am impressed, but I have not yet tested it on a real baby. I asked the inventor of the device to give me ordering instructions so that any of you who wish to order it can do so. If you do order it, please let me know how it works.

Raya Krause writes:

The OOBEE may be ordered by sending $14.95 per OOBEE to:

Raya Krause
7946 Hwy MM
Hannibal, MO 63401

I obtained this information at: <a href=""></a>

Good Luck,

Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby erin » Tue Jul 04, 2000 8:32 am

Try the Mickey Mouse pacifier by even flow. The non-orthodonic kind proved to be the best for my son.

Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Anonymous » Sun Jul 09, 2000 6:48 pm

Is it okay for babies witha a bilateral cleft to use a pacifier?

Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Dianne » Fri Jul 14, 2000 10:00 pm

Every Plastic Surgeon has there own opinion, some say its fine, others say its a no no! I would speak to your plastic surgeon about it!
Dianne :-)

Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Carey ( » Sat Jul 15, 2000 8:09 pm

Thanks for the info, Dianne. I may order one now! The Gerber soft center has worked for us, even though our son doesn't keep it in as well as he'd like to. It has worked better than all the others - we've tried them all! Our nurse recently told us to try getting the larger sized "NUK" pacifiers & turn them upside down. I haven't tried this yet. Good luck! Carey
Carey (

Re: Pacifier suggestions needed

Postby Raya Krause, Inventor of » Mon Nov 06, 2000 2:19 pm

I am the inventor of the OOBEE Pacifier Holder/Keeper, which was a real God send for us. And, I want to thank all of you who have ordered an OOBEE. We are finally settled in our home after our move from Missouri to Florida and hope you will make a note of our address change. Currently we are in the process of desgining and developing our own website and hope to be added as a Link on Widesmiles, who has been so gracious to us by posting the information about the OOBEE. From those of you who have ordered an OOBEE, I need to ask your help. I need feedback, testimonies, photos, etc... that you would be willing to have viewed on our site. Please e-mail:
or send snail mail: Raya Krause
2270 Woodstem Ct.
St. Cloud, FL 34772
Any and all comments are welcome about our product, because our goal has always been to provide help and hope for the care giver while comforting and soothing a precious baby with a special need.
I will look forward to hearing from you and please pass the word and ask those you may know that have used the OOBEE as well.
Thank you,
Raya Krause
Raya Krause, Inventor of

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