
Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby Bernard Walbourne » Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:44 am

Our six week old grandson was borned with a stomach problem that required surgey. During this time he was feed by a tube. Now he will not take his bottle and when he does he will no take the required amount of milk that he needs. He is losing weight.
Bernard Walbourne

Re: Feeding

Postby Jo Watson » Wed Jun 21, 2000 6:05 am

My little girl did not feed at all well at first and
what i did is just let her feed a little and often.

This was hard work and meant day and night she was
awake most of the time (as was I!!) but in
the end it paid off as she eventually gained weight very
well. It is often commented on that she is a cleft
palate baby and is a good size - I wanted to
make sure she was a healthy size for all her operations.

Using the meadjohnson bottles meant I could gently
squeeze milk into her mouth at first which helped alot.

It was hard work but it has paid off.
Jo Watson

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