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Sonja, are you there?

PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2000 1:08 pm
by Pat
Hi, it's Pat, mom to the Peach. How are you? How is the beautiful
bambino? Just wondering how you are doing and wanting to wish you well.

Hope to hear from you when you have some time.
Peach is now seven (amazing isn't it?) and is into horseback riding. A
few new pictures at her widesmiles gallery page if you want to catch up.

Take good care, Sonja, and congratulations on your new little person.
Pat in Calgary

Re: Sonja, are you there?

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2000 10:09 am
by Vicki
Was Peach born with a cleft only? I think you might be able to help someone..please email me at
