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'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2000 4:29 am
by kirstie
Does anyone know where I can find out names of famous cleft people eg sports and movies etc. I want to be able to say cleft kids can do anything they want.

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2000 8:10 am
by Anonymous
Visit have some info. I know that Jesse Jackson, Stacey Keach,Cheech Marin all had a cleft.

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2000 5:50 pm
by Brian
I'm not sure that the way to deal with a facial deformity is by trying to pretend it does not exist and that you can become a famous actor. The reality is that it is very difficult to live with and for people without it to relate to the severity of the social disadvantages. I believe that Moses in the bible may have had a cleft.

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2000 10:34 am
by Trisha

I know of River Phoenix's brother, Joaquin, having a cleft.

Hope this helps,


Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2000 11:45 am
by Anonymous
The brother of Julia Roberts, Eric has a unilateral cleft lip.

He is a lesser-known actor, but still pretty talented.

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2000 6:51 pm
by Di
Tom Brokaw the anchor of NBC nightly news had a lip & palate.

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2000 6:11 am
by Jeff
Go see the movie "Gladiator". The main charcater has a cleft. The Pharo.

hello USA

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2000 6:07 pm
by chris downey adelaide Aus
hello their
a couple of weeks ago i came across this site
and was amazed. this is fantastic. i am 26 yrs
and have a cleft lip and palate on the left side.
at first i didn't want to respond- no need to i felt
but i just had to come back and read some more
this is waht is needed a forum for this sort of stuff
to be talked about. in my first visit their was a couple
of years to catch up on, and i was dismayed to see
all the crap that was being talked about. especially the
replies to brian
they really pissed me of
people are treated differently with a cleft if it is severe
live their life for a minute and you will know it. brian did
sound depressed and bitter but what do you expect

i feel my cleft isn't to bad, others wouldn't agree
it is noticeable, but this hasn't and never will
stop me, why should it. it doesn't stop me from living a life
or loving a life. but it has stopped others from loving and
living a life with me.
the old grandma from the USA who talks about blond hair and blue eyes
is true and this is just the same attitude to clefts
and other deformities, even i am guilty of being
prejudice to similar scenario's.

currently i am at adelaide uni studying environmental management. i am a vego
love to boogie and love to grow plants
i camp out alot and am into permaculture. i will
be going to the land of USA soon to see the decadence
of western society at its best hope to see some like minded people when i get their

is their a group? here in Aus we have cleft pals but this is kore for infants etc
would love to talk to hear from etc anyone out there

Jen Laferriere
Hilary (98)
sunnflw076 @ hot mail
kelly irvin

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2001 4:10 pm
by Anonymous
why are your posts always so negative??
I don't see Joaquin Phoenix 'pretending' he doesn't have a cleft - it's pretty obvious in 'Gladiator'.
And no we don't ALL have awful/difficult lives because of a cleft palate/lip - life is what you make it!!
I really feel for parents of cleft babies who post onto this forum for advice and all they get from you is doom & gloom! Please see the positive side of cleft and life. (Yes, Brian, there are positives to having a cleft and a life!)

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2001 10:33 am
by fran
yes i know of an actor in gladiator. the bad one had cleft lip surgury done

Re: 'famous' cleft people

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:10 am
by Tony P
Jason Robards the actor, and in the UK, John Humphries who reads the national TV news - So he is a very good example.