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Final Surgery....I NEED advice

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2000 7:58 pm
Hi, I'm 15 years old and on May 25th i'm getting one of my final
surgeries(plastic surgery)I forget the medical name!! somthing like
rynoplasy...anyway i was just wondering if there is anyone out there that can give me
advice or has gone through this...does it make a difference
and how much of school do you think i'll miss...please
e-mail me at


Re: Final Surgery....I NEED advice

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2000 6:29 am
by Deb
My daughter is 19, and had the surgery you are having at your same age. She felt it improved the appearance of her nose (narrowed it and evened it), but it also improved her breathing through that nostril. She went on to have a second nose surgery the following year to fine-tune it, and the apearance improved even more. Her nose looks the same as the rest of the family's!! Good luck,,,you'll be happy you did it.