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Kaylee's operation

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2000 9:55 am

Good news...Kaylee had her operation to repair her soft cleft palate!!! It was the hardest thing in the world to hand my most beautiful five month old girl over to someone else. I did it though and everything is turning out fine. The operation was yesterday and we just got home today. She was incredibly unhappy yesterday and it was a rough night. Today she is much happier (although not totally herself yet, which is understandable). The hardest part so far has been the arm restraints. Kaylee is a really big thumbsucker and can't understand why she is being denied her favorite pleasure. It is rough but we are making it and Kaylee has been a real champion so far. I look forward to watching her recover day by day.

Goodluck to all of you in the same boat out there,