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What about Getting Sick?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2000 7:10 pm
by Torri
Our son is 7 weeks old now. His surgery is on June 22. I am so worried about him getting sick. Am I right to keep everyone away from him? He always seems congested and yet we can't seem to get any mucas out of his nose. One nostril is so small, but the other is extra large. Help. Are we just being paranoid? Plus I think a part of me hates it when people come over to "see the baby" and then they don't know what to say when they "see the baby".

Thanks for any help in advance

Re: What about Getting Sick?

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2000 4:39 am
by Caroline
Hi There,

I know what you mean about being paranoid about the baby getting sick. My daughter is 3 years old. She has had 4 surgeries and looks great. I worried each and every time that she would get sick and the surgery would be postponed. I would suggest within the two weeks right before surgery, pretty much keep her away from anyone you even suspect might be sick. I was lucky that she never came down with anything and everything went okay but I know this is a stressful time.

As far as when people come over, if they have never gone through this, they really don't know what to say and they seem to try to understand. It's become funny to me when they try to give advice and they have no idea what they are talking about. You probably already have learned so much and you will learn much more about all this and things will get easier as you get used to it. Sorry about rambling on so much but I went through all that 3 years ago and I got through it. The stares when you are out somewhere. Usually I just ignored it and went on with my business. I never thought I would get used to it but I did.

Hope this helps.
