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Feeding methods?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2000 12:24 pm
by (Carey)
I was curious as to what everyone was using to feed their children. I've read a few posts & have only heard people mention the Haberman. The only thing we've used so far has been the Mead Johnson Cleft Palate nursers that you squeeze. Besides leaking once in a while, they seem to work ok. Our baby takes about 45 minutes to eat though! (he's 3 weeks old) Is this a good method? Any thoughts or suggestions? :) Thanks!

Re: Feeding methods?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2000 2:33 pm
by Rabidkiwi
At 3 weeks he or she should eat a bit faster. The haberman is what I use with my son and it works well. It is less work for him to get the milk out of the bottle. A 3 week old should be quite tired after spending that long eating. Try a haberman and see if it makes any difference.


Re: Feeding methods?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2000 6:50 am
by Anonymous
hi-my son tried the cleft mead-johnson nurser and it took him forever to eat, so we switched to the haberman-the only problem with those was after my son got going we ran out of milk to fast because the biggest they make is a 5 oz. bottle...but, we found out real quick you can attach the nipple and disc to a regular 8 oz bottle. i think the haberman is great because it has three different settings to help your child learn how to suck. my son is know 1 yr old and still has his cleft palate but can finally suck from a real nipple and bottle and i believe it was the haberman that helped him develop the "skills"...another problem is the haberman is very, very expensive-but worth it...sorry so long, good luck and God bless.-steph

Re: Feeding methods?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 7:33 am
my son use NUK nipple. The only problem is that after palate surgery, he could not use the nipple for about 3 weeks as to ensure the stiches is healing properly. He just had his surgery last sat 9th Feb. Now he drinks from the med nipple. The problem is he gets colic easily. Therefore i have to give him Dentinox for every meal. I'm getting him a Avent sippy cup. Hope he won't get colic after this.