midline deformities

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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midline deformities

Postby Bono40@aol.com (Carey) » Sun Apr 16, 2000 12:21 pm

I was wondering if anyone knew if other midline deformities have anything to do with having a cleft palate. My son was born 3 weeks ago with a cleft soft palate so I am very new to the subject & really don't know much. My husband mentioned last night, however, that he has a deviated septum (nose) and was thinking that might be genetic in the midline somehow???
Bono40@aol.com (Carey)

Re: midline deformities

Postby catecroft@prodigy.net » Mon Apr 24, 2000 10:11 am

I know there is another message on the discussion list if you go back alittle. I just read it the other day from a lady who's son had some other related midline deformities. I am actually in the process of getting some more information.
My daughter Alix (5) she has a cleft lip & palate. She also has severse stomach problems that hit her every once in awhile, but we have been limiting her milk intake and other dairy products and we do not feel that that's the problem. I am going to get her instestine's and other midline organs checked somehow. I feel there's something making her hurt, beside milk products. Anyway, I would get it checked out. Dont wait five years like I have.

Re: midline deformities

Postby Alex's mom » Tue Nov 14, 2000 6:19 am

My son was born 9 weeks prematurely and has "midline deformaities." He has had heart/lung problems, velo-pharyngeal insuffieciency, and a hypospadius, as well as multiple ear infections. We have had 2 surgeries, 1. tubes in his ears at 9 months, and 2. chordee repair on the hypospadius at 14 months. He is now 3 years old and we are dealing with the cleft issues. Good luck!
Alex's mom

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