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Pen Pal needed for little girl with a cleft who feels alone

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2000 9:55 am
Hi my name is Sherry. My daughter is eight years old she has a cleft lip and palate (unilateral) She is the only girl in the entire school who has a cleft, She is becoming very self conscious about her appearance, She needs some one whom she can relate to. I hope finding her a penpal will help. Jariah is in the process of having the bone graft surgery done this summer. We are going to the orthodontist every week now and she already hates the idea of having to wear a palate expander. She does not want to be any different from her friends. She likes the Back Street Boys, NSYNC, Brittany basketball, science, girl scouts, and writting. I hope some one out there can help us, We would like a female penpal around the same age who may have already gone through this and can help her deal with her feelings of difference and just provide some comradery. Hope someone can write to her, and any advise parents may have for me will be appreciated. Thanks

Re: Pen Pal needed for little girl with a cleft who feels al

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2000 7:07 am
by Sue Demick
Hi, My eight year old also has a cleft. We sent an email to you. Hope you daughter likes it.

Re: Pen Pal needed for little girl with a cleft who feels al

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2000 6:16 pm
by Anna
I would love to be her pen pal! I remember feeling so alone!!! Am I too late? I am new here. My email is

Re: Pen Pal needed for little girl with a cleft who feels al

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2000 3:57 pm
by Annette Johnson
Hi my name is Annette, I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. I'm a bit older than you, but I've been there and just wanted to let you know there is most definitely LIFE out there awaiting you. I hated school alot, because of being teased, i too was the only person in the whole school that had a cleft, and it was difficult to deal with being different. I never thought that I would be anybody, or get married, or have a family. But I am some-one and so are you, I'm 32 years old, and I've been married for 15 years, to a wonderful (cutie) guy who loves me for who I am, I also have 5 kids. My second child Eric was also born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, he's going to be 13 next month, and still has a few problems with kids at school and wanting to be "just like them". It's been hard to relive his pain , but in the process of all the pain, I have truely found comfort. I tell my son that today it is "in" to be different, and being unique is the most special of all. I wish that I could say something to you, that would ease your beautiful mind, but the best I can do is say hang in there, it gets easier, and as you grow up into a beautiful and talented woman, you'll see a purpose to all this stuff. God made you this way for a special purpose in life, your one of the very special few who carry the seal of being wonderfully unique!!! This is what my Grammy always told me, when I was your age. I didn't really understand at the time, but looking back now, to the things I've done and the things I am going to do, I think she was right!!! Be brave, and hold your head high, and don't let what others say hurt you, you must believe in yourself first and then others will be able to see you for who you are***********GREAT
If your intrested in e-ing me I'd love to hear from you , my address is
Take care, Annette