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Sphincter Flap Surgery

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2000 2:55 am
by Joyce Bentz
My 18mon. son is facing either sphincter or pharyngeal flap surgery in 6mons. Does anyone have any general info. I mainly need info about the sphincter but any reguarding both would be appreicated.

Re: Sphincter Flap Surgery

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2000 11:35 am
by Dave LeBlanc
I had what is called an Abby flap when I was 12 Years old. The procedure consisted of cutting a triangular peice of flesh from My lower lip and inverting it directly beneeth My nose to give my lower lip a more full look to it. The section was left attached on one side to allow blood flow for healing and my jaw was wired shut for approx. 8 weeks at wich time the flap had taken. I am not sure we are talking about the same thing or not, but some of the problems I had were another scar now on my lower lip and the hair follicles in the section still grow the same way which means when I grow a mustache the hair under my nose grows Up instead of down. I hope this helps.


Re: Sphincter Flap Surgery

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2000 12:41 pm
by Lucas' mom (jewelg1@visto
My son is going to be two in April...and we have had no mention of the sphincter flap surgery. Have you visited There are links on that page which lead you to details on the different surgeries. As I understand is, though, your child seems very young to be having this surgery already.
Email me privately if I can help any more