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Palate Repair - We survived!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2000 9:22 am
by Melanie - mom of Savanna
Well, we made it! Savanna's cleft palate repair went without hitch on Feb. 28th. She was in the hospital for 5 days, on I.V. fluids for 3 days and is now using her bottle. She spent 2 hours in the recovery room and her oxygen sats were 94-98. She did not require any breathing support at any time. She is still a bit fussy but her vocabulary, which consists of 3 words, does not sound any different or 'nasal'. We do have to put restraints on her arms when she sleeps because she is a huge thumb fan. Our surgeon did a wonderful job. Her palate looks great! Already, she has almost completely stopped drooling, we no longer ooze food/milk from the nose and all her food goes down instead of coming back out. She seems very happy. We will see the surgeon for our follow-up visit in 3 days. We welcome any comments or suggestions and will keep you posted.

God Bless.


Re: Palate Repair - We survived!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2000 11:51 am
Oh Melanie I'm sooooooo happy for you!!! My daughter has her surgery in May and I am dreading it!! It was wonderful to read your story and I'm very excited that it went so well for Savanna.

I do have one question, how were you able to get her on the bottle so soon? My doctor gave us a one week with absolutely no sucking rule. Did you use a haberman before and is that what you put her on after the surgery? I'm very curious about this. Also, have you seen any difference in her suck on the bottle?

I had a cleft also and mom says I was allowed the bottle the day after my surgery. I called the doctor where I had it done and he said things have changed, it's now three weeks with no bottle.

Do you mind if I asked where you had the operation done also?

I am anxious to hear back from you.
God Bless you and Savanna,
Krista-mom of Kaylee, three and a half months old.

Re: Palate Repair - We survived!!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2000 12:06 pm
melanie, congrats on the success of your child's palate surgery! I would love to talk to you more. My baby was born Mar. 26th with a cleft palate & will have surgery at 9 months old. I've never spoken with another parent that has a child with this so I'd love get some insight! :) My name is Carey - email: Congrats again!

Re: Palate Repair - We survived!!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2000 7:52 pm
by gina
my daughter had her bilateral partial cleft palate repaired on a monday and was sent home late tuesday night with the provision that she intakes 20 oz. of formula as well as pureed fruit daily. Even though the surgeon said that the cleft was "small", I am home stressing out because Im afraid she will dehydrate. She will not let me get anything near her lips- not a sippy cup, bottle, or even syringe. However she did manage to eat some applesauce mixed with a lil formula with some fuss. Outside of feeding, for someone that just had surgery she is in a fantastic mood. Has anyone experienced this aversion to the bottle? How did you work it out? I dont wnat to have to take my daughter back to the hospital