Jaw distraction surgery. When should it be done?

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Jaw distraction surgery. When should it be done?

Postby kailahcox@blomand.net » Thu Feb 17, 2000 4:55 pm

They hane suggested my daughter have the jaw distraction surgery done at 12months. but i have read and seenwhere other childrenhave had this successfully done alot sooner. how do they determine when is the best time?

Re: Jaw distraction surgery. When should it be done?

Postby australia » Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:43 am

Hi,First of all my husband and myself know what you are going through.We gave birth to our third daughter on 4-4-05 born with Pierre Robin Sequence!She was sent to the Childrens Hospital in Melbourne the day after her birth and we were told we would be there for awhile,she had a breathing tube put in and we watched to see if her jaw would grow by itself,she had sleep studies which she failed very badly and it looked more like that she would need the Jaw distraction surgery.Week 4 we were told that our little girl needed the operation,one week later she had the surgery

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