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ear tubes

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2000 2:49 pm
by Melanie
Hello again! Savanna had her follow-up with our ENT and also her pre-op for the palate repair scheduled on the 28th. Xrays showed no scar tissue in the tracheostomy site--thats excellent--but he says she has fluid in her ears and her hearing is decreased slightly. He wants her to have tubes put in her ears when she has the palate repair. I have mixed feelings about tubes and was hoping you all could offer your stories and advice. You can post anything here or email me at Thanks a bunch.

Melanie - mom of Savanna - 9 months

Re: ear tubes

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2000 3:45 am
by Shelly
My son had tubes fitted during both his lip and palette operations, he has since had no problems with ear infections or his hearing, his first op was at 6 months and his second at 1 year, he is now 4 yrs and has sailed through all of his hearing test.

I have no doubt that the tubes definately helped him. They came out on their own after about 6 months and cause no problems, I can't say how he would have been without them all I know is that he is great now.

Good Luck


Re: ear tubes

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2000 7:19 am
My daughter is 2 1/2 and is on her second set of ear tubes. The first set were placed in her ears at seven months while she was also having her lip repaired. This was more for precautionary reasons. The one tube came out and was lodged in some ear wax. She didn't have any ear problems so her ENT just left it there. Last summer she had another set put in. Just prior to that she had a little bit of fluid in her ear. We never would have known other than it was her check-up and the doctor discovered it. Her hearing is just fine and they think this will be her last set of tubes. I believe it made a difference with the severity of what an ear infection can bring. Good Luck.

Re: ear tubes

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2000 7:31 am
by stephanie
my son had his lip repaired at three months old, thats when they put in his first set of tubes. right after surgery when he was awake and alert we were playing with him and his tickle-me cookie monster. cookie monster started to laugh out loud and shout "oh boy, oh boy" cody screamed. that whole night every little beep or alarm in the hospital startled cody. the ent said his ears were so filled with fluid, everything he has heard from birth was muffled and know he hears clear it will take him awhile to adjust. they are the best thing, and no one will ever know. i wish you the best.
stephaie mother of cody, 10 months.

Re: ear tubes

PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2000 7:06 am
by stephanie&haleigh
my daughter is 1 year old and every since birth the doctors told me that she would need ear tubes. (my daughter has a cleft lip and palate and also down syndrome)well all i had to do was listen to the doctors,but the only thing was that my daughter never had an ear infection so we had her hearing checked and all was just fine so we have no tubes! follow your instincts, mothers always know best god bless