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Mother and daughter-Stickler Team

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2000 10:59 am
Hi. I have an eight week old daughter who is the joy of my life. She was born with a cleft of the soft palate. I was very informed already because I had been born with a cleft of the soft and hard palate. We went to a genetics counsellor and found out we both have Stickler Syndrome. I was immediately shocked and very overwhelmed. Now, I go on and we deal with it and make the best of it.

Kaylee will go for her surgery on May 15th and we'll take things one day at a time after that. It has been a hard road so far, but not unbearable. We have had feeding problems, sucking problems and colic problems but we are slowly coming through them.

I would love to be of support to others out there as many of you have been supporting me. Feel free to email me about cleft palates or Stickler Syndrome (Pierre Robin's Syndrome). I can try to answer questions, try to help, or just be a listening ear when you need a friend.