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daughters pallet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2000 7:46 pm
by rebecca
My daughter was born with a cleft pallet. She recently January 6, 2000 had her cleft pallet surgery and her ear tube surgery the same day. She did so well. Can anyone inform me of what we will need to look forward to in the future? Any therapies, speech etc. Does anyone know if there is a speech porblem or difficulty with having a cleft pallet?

Re: daughters pallet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 5:57 am
by Charity
I was born with a cleft palate and lip as well. (i am 23). your daughter may need some speech therapy,she may have a bit of a nasal sound when she talks. i dont have a nasal sound at all,due to having speech therapy classes when i was in school. i thought they were a hassle growing up going to them,now i am glad that I did. I sound so much better then if I had not gone at all. I went from age 3-14. hopethis helps.

Re: daughters pallet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 6:04 pm
by Kristi
First of all, you should probably talk with your daughter' plastic surgeon. Does your child see a cleft/craniofacial team? If your child is seen by a team, hoe ro she will be evaluated for speech and hearing, anything that is related to the cleft. Call the Cleft Palate Foundation referrla life at 1-800-24-CLEFT if you need a referral to a cleft team in your area and if you are in the United States.

Re: daughters pallet

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2000 10:21 am
Speaking from experience, I can tell you will probably need to get her speech therapy. I had to from the time I was--I guess, four until 14 or 15. It was a hassle but it was worth it. As one of the others said, she may have a nasal sound, I had a little bit. Get ready for a lot of doctor appointments and alot of trying to comfort her as she grows up. She will need all the support she can get while going through the different stages of getting everything repaired. For me, it took 23 years to get through all of the surgeries and dentist and speech therapists. I hope this helps a little.


Re: daughters pallet

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 12:03 pm
Our family has recently begun the process of adopting a little girl. She also was born with a cleft pallet. I don't know a lot about how this can affect her in the future (she's two) but she has had two surgeries already and seems to be progressing rather well. We would like to communicate with people who are facing the same thing we are to compare notes.

Re: daughters pallet

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:01 pm
by jen
My Nephew was born with a Cleft Pallet, he has been going through surgery since he was 6 weeks, old, the transformation of his lip and nose has just been tremendous.,, Your daughter is small enough that she will beable to go through this surgery ok.,/
Best of Luck.