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Repair help and tips?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 1999 11:35 pm
by Joel (
I am 21, a male, and have not really dealt with my Cleft Palate or Lip issue before.
I did have some dental work done in high school. I had a couple of peg teeth that were capped with porcelin veneers, and had some other teeth shaped.
Apparently, when I was born, my cleft palate had been self-repaired. I do have a noticeable "scar" on my lip, my lip is not uniform in size nor is it symetrical.
My nose is worse, it kind of twists and it looks like two different halves of two completely different noses and upper lips were put together. I have had major sinus problems since I was
in early high school. I always have sinus infections. Doctors continue to try to treat it, and it doesn't seem to help. The only thing that has helped with the congestion is Entex.
My parents were told by doctors when I was young that no surgery was necessary. I wonder if this was accurate. They told me that if I wanted cosmetic surgery I should wait until I was 18, that I should
wait until all my features matured. I wonder though. When my tongue touches the roof of my mouth, I can tell that there is very differnt qualities to each side, and on side is pretty even, the other side kinda dents in significantly into the rood of my mouth.
I have brought these issues up to my physician, he says that this is nothing that would be detremental, and its just an irregularity.
Who should I see regarding this? Is there anyone else out there that has gone through this situation? Does anyone have any tips?

Re: Repair help and tips?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 1999 3:54 pm
by peter
Joel where do you live and how many doctors have you seen?

Re: Repair help and tips?

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2001 10:58 pm
by Anonymous
Joel - if i were youy, i would go to a proper doctor IMMEDIATELY! Your dr sounds very poorly educated, they can do surgery now to impriove your quality of life dramatically. Your DR is so busy treating the results of your problem, and not the actual problem. You should have an instant referral to a specialist, and go to a big city to get the best possilbe, with the most experience. Be stubborn man, and don't let your DR make you feel bad or stupid. Much love to you!
Good luck - being assertive is wortht he end results!!!