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Cleft Repair at 26, No significant change in speech

PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 1999 10:57 am
by Concern
I just had a repair of the cleft soft palate at the age of 26. I had the Pharyngeal Flap surgery and everything. The doctors said the surgery was very successful but I personally see no changes in my speach whatsoever. I must say that two days after the surgery I was speaking really clearly but after I came home from the hospital I just got stuffy and more stuffy. Now I've been recording my voice everyday and I haven't noticed any change in my speech at all. Do you normally see changes right away or does it take some time to see changes after the surgery. If so, how long?

Re: Cleft Repair at 26, No significant change in speech

PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 1999 5:12 pm
by Kristi
First of all, how long ago was your surgery? I had a pharyngeal flap revision at age 33 (Sept. 1997) and everyone noticed an improvement almost right away. I was given a 50% chance of the revision working because of all the scar tissue in my palate. If you want to hear before and after files of my speech, feel free to go to my soundfiles at <a href=""></a>


Re: Cleft Repair at 26, No significant change in speech

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 1999 8:42 am
by Concern
My surgery was two weeks ago.

Re: Cleft Repair at 26, No significant change in speech

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 1999 1:53 pm
by Anonymous
Just a thought--maybe even though the surgery was successful, you might need some speech therapy to learn to speak with your new repair. I know that any time I start wearing a retainer, and then even when I stop, my speech changes significantly, until I get used to the difference. And with me, it's only a difference of a 1/8" piece of plastic present or not. I'm not sure what's involved, since I had my cleft repaired as a baby and had speech therapy after that, but it's worth a shot. Good luck!

Re: Cleft Repair at 26, No significant change in speech

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 6:32 am
by daria
hi im 20 and i have cleft palate. although i have had it fixed i have a horrible voice. any suggestions email me at