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phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 1998 7:22 pm
by Jolynn
I have a beautiful 6 week old little girl with PRS and I would
like to know if there are any other mothers out there who were on
either of these weight loss drugs before they became pregnant? I
am trying to find out if that might have caused her condition, im
not getting any answers from the doctors. My daughter was born 4
weeks early and since then she has had a trach and a g tube. If
anyone can help me i would really appreciate it. thank you

Re: phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 1998 3:04 pm
I was on Phentimine for 6 months. I was still taking it the
first 3 weeks of my pregnancy because I didn't know I was
pregnant. My daughter was born with PRS and a cleft of the soft

I had asked a genetic MD about this and he told me that
Phentimine would have nothing to do with it. I sometimes wonder.
I am glad that I found your posting. d

Re: phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 1998 11:37 pm
<b>From: </b>

<b>Category: </b>Craniofacial General

<b>Date: </b>19 Sep 1998

<b>Time: </b>03:37:30

<b>Remote Name: </b>


Re: phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 1998 11:45 pm
I wqas not on this drug, but I did have some minor surgery
involving a general anesteatic around 5 weeks befor I knew I was
pregnant. I have also asked my doctors about a possible link, and
have gotten no real answers. I think the problem is that no one
really knows the answers. Doesn't it just make you want to become
a geneticist so you can study it and figure it out for yourself?
I will tell you what I have been able to figure out... From
talking with a biological psychologist(admittedly not an expert,
but able to give some insight) I understand that DNA becomes a
protein through messenger and transfer RNA. Well, in our DNA
there is a message to have a cleft, but only under certain
environmental conditions, such as vitamin deficiancy, amino acis
lack ,et cetera. So what we need to figure out is if that
environment could be caused by such things as phen fen or, in my
case, a general anaestetic. They have been linking clefts to
levels of folic acid...nothing conclusive. So my next question
would be, can either of these drugs interfere with absorption of
folic acid, or deplete stores? I don't know...this is all
conjecture. What I do know is that if it IS folic acid, well I
took that during my pregnany, so I am searching for more than
that. That is probably a bit more than you were asking for, but I
guess I was waiting for a chance to share my thoughts with

Re: phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 1999 8:35 am
by Tracy Dotson at Matt17@we
Dear Jolynn, On 2-12-1997 I started the drugs
"phen-fen" Then on 4-4-1997 I found out I was 4 weeks
pregnant with my first child. He is now 20 months old and so far
healthy. He did quit growing at 36 weeks gestation but my OBGYN
did not know if the drugs had anything to do with it. But as for
myself, In the past year or so I have had severe fatigue, a
racing heart, and shortness of breath. My doctor sent me for a
Echogram this morning I really believe "Phen-Fen" may
be the cause. As for your daughter, I am sorry for what she is
going threw. My prayers are with her and with you. Thank You,

Re: phen fen or redux usage

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2000 9:05 pm
by findlay@integrityonline.c

I took Redux for nine months, then conceived a child five months later who was born with a very serious heart defect called Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. I recently have been in contact with 18 other mothers who took either phen-fen or redux close to conceiving a child with similar and very serious heart problems. Since Hypoplastic left heart syndrome only effects 1 in every 5000 children, it's a little strange that we all have the same story after taking these diet drugs.