repair of the soft palate

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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repair of the soft palate

Postby Lisa e-mail me at chuckli » Wed May 26, 1999 10:31 am

I would like to hear from anyone who has had a child go
throught the palate repair surgery.I am wondering how things are
after it ie.feeding,irratibility restraining movementI have a 16
month old son who is going to be having his surgery very soon any
information would help. Thank You,Lisa.
Lisa e-mail me at chuckli

Re: repair of the soft palate

Postby » Wed May 26, 1999 6:41 pm

My son had cleft palate surgery in January when he was 9
months old. After surgery, he was a little bruised and swollen,
but didn't look too bad. He had to wear his arm restraints for a
week, which I think was the worse part of all for him. He was
only in the hospital for 24 hours, then they let us go because he
was taking in enought liquids. We were not allowed to use a
bottle for a week 5 days after surgery and he was on a clear
liquid diet for the first 3 days. So we gave him chicken brothe,
pedialyte, flat sprite, or anything else we could possible think
of. After about 3 or 4 days he started to get back to normal. All
they really gave him for pain medication was tylonal with codine
for the first 2 days, then just plain old tylonal. Hope this info
helps you, if you have anymore questions, you can e-mail me
privately at

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