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Dealing with a difference

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 1999 5:01 am
by Nathan Killam
I was born in 1976 with a cleft lip. It only slightly affected
my palate, I had a space in the front of my mouth that never had
any teeth. In growing up with a cleft lip the greatest influence
on my life has not been just the doctors and the surgeries, but
the love of my parents and family. Parents who have children with
cleft lips and palates..believe me when I say this, that the
greatest thing you could do for your child isn't just the
treatments and surgeries but taking your children and holding
them. Hug them tightly, tell them that you love them and always
will and spoil them rotten. They are special people, and I have
realize through my life that there WAS a reason I was born like
this, and that was to help others facing this condition or
dealing with it through their children. God bless you all.

Re: Dealing with a difference

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 1999 6:58 am
by kmanzon
Nathan, My son is 19 years old and has bilateral cleft lip and palate. He is a college freshman. Recently he has been expressing more frustration, anger and unhappiness about his condition. He feels people talk to him but are really looking at his deformity. He feels he is an outsider and not really accepted. As parents what can we do to help him overcome this? Thanks

Re: Dealing with a difference

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2000 12:03 pm
by Barb
Nathan - both of your postings are something I would say and I am finally stepping out to be a resource if possible to others - kids and parents and CA adults. I would like to keep in touch with more adults across country. My email is -