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PRS Tied Tongue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 1999 9:09 pm
Before we knew that our son has PRS we thought he just had a
tight tongue. We had it clipped and it greatly affected him to
the worse, he breathing was worse because it allowed his tongue
to block his airway more because less is there to help hold it

Re: PRS Tied Tongue

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 1999 4:59 pm
by Anonymous
What age was your child? We are facing the same decision with
our 16 month old. He is having trouble manipulating his tongue to
speak and they are thinking of clipping it.

Re: PRS Tied Tongue

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 1999 7:09 pm
by Bella
Our daughter is tongue tied, and only seven months old. we
discussed with her plastic surgeon clipping the tounge and he
advised against it for a few year atleast. It can cause so many
problems apparently, including worsening apnea. Best suggestion
is to ask your doctors oppinion, and consider all the
consequences for your child.

Re: PRS Tied Tongue

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 1999 9:31 am
by ASmith
We have an 18 month old boy with PRS. They are thinking of
clipping his tongue as well. We decided to hold off on the
surgery until he is a little older. So much attention has been
focussed on his mouth through speech therapy and eating properly
that we were afraid that another painful intrusion on his mouth
would make him even more defensive. So far, he is doing well
without it being cut, but we are certain that he will someday
have to have it done. For, us, we are choosing to do it as a last
resort should eveything else fail. Good Luck

Re: PRS Tied Tongue

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2001 10:12 pm
by E.P.Hutchison
Bella, would you please contact me at i would really appreciate it. i have a similar problem with my son and the doctors are pushing to have it done. hes only
1 1/2. i would like to ask you some Q's. thank you.