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Will I pass it on to my children

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 1999 5:04 pm
Hi, I am a 17yr old and married. My husband and I wanna have a
baby but I would really rather my baby not have what I have. I
dont think I could cope with my child coming home after school
being teased by others. What I am worried about is if I will pass
it on to my kids and theirs? If anyone could be of any help can
you please write me at;


Re: Will I pass it on to my children

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 1999 4:52 am
by Vicki Mongold
my son had a cleft palate. He is better now.He had
Pierre-Robin Syndrome. I know you are affraid that you could pass
this on to your kids..and there is ALWAYS a chance. But you don't
want that to keep you from haveing the wonderful joy of a baby
because of being afraid. I'm afraid that what my son Logan has
will go on to his kids, but I want him to have kids. They are the
strength of us all. I went through alot with him, but I love him
with all my heart. I'm sorry that he had to go through all of
this, and I would have done it for him if I could have. But he is
strong,and I think it made him stronger, and ME. Think really
hard before you rule kids out for good. There is that chance, but
there is just as good of a chance you'll have a baby that is
perfectly fine, no mather what YOU will love them just the same.

If you need to talk I'm on ICQ # 14424823 or email me at I have a web page that I am putting
together. Got alot done, but I am still adding to it.

P.S. My husband's right hand is deformed, but that didn't
keep us from having 3 wonderful boys. 2 are perfectly healthy,and
then Logan has Pierre-Robin Syndrome, but we wouldn't trade any
of them for anything!! Good Luck