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Need Help

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 1999 1:31 pm
by Diana Ponstingl <easyw
I'm seeking help for my 10yr. old boy. He gets speech, but
still has so much trouble speaking that he is pulling away from
the other kids at school. He has trouble forming complete
sentence, and trouble with pronunciation. I've had him tested for
everything but all has come back negative. This is good but do
not have any answers. A news program talked about a communication
expert Dr. James Partington (Not sure of spelling), so am looking
for a way to communicate with him or any who can help. Gina Diana
Ponstingl <

Re: Need Help

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 1999 9:33 am
by David L. Ponstingl
Could you explain in more detail?
