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Bone Graft Failed-Now What?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 1998 1:47 pm
by Anonymous
I am a 31 year old with a bi-lateral cleft lip and palate. I
had a bone graft operation about 3 years ago. In preparation for
it, I had braces put on (2nd time around).

Since the surgery, I've experienced significant bone loss to
the area. All in all, it was a complete failure and might have to
be redone.

Has anyone had a bone graft surgery that failed? Did you have
it re-done? Or did your doctors find another way to make the area

I cannot have any permanent dental work done until a decision
is made to have the surgery or not. I am currently wearing a
retainer on both upper and lower teeth.

Any information will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Bone Graft Failed-Now What?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 10:10 am
by nikki
hi I had a bone graft.I am now 13 years old.I am going to the docters today to plan my 2nd bone graft, mine failed too.