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The sweetest thing happend

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 1998 8:37 am
by Patrecia Coble
The sweetest thing happend a couple of weeks ago I just wanted
to share with all of you. Michael was born with a bi-lat cleft
lip and palate. You can read about him in "Our Stories"
We just moved to Knoxville Tn. My son has made alot of new
friends and this is something that had us worried to death. But a
couple of weeks ago a new friend of his was at our house playing,
when he asked the dreaded question "what happend to
Michael's nose?" The friend being only six and me wanting to
answer as simply as I could said "when he was born his mouth
had a whole in it and the scar is from when they fixed it."
I told the boy what it was called and that seemed to satisfy him
and they continued to play. A couple of days later the same boy
brought another child to play when the other boy asked the same
question. Before I had the chance to say anything the first boy
stepped in and told him that it was a cleft lip and he knew all
about it. The other boy just shrugged and said "cool"I
asked Dillion what he meant and he said on the day of our
discussion when he went home he asked his Grandmother about a
cleft and she didnt know anything about it so they looked it up
in the encylpidia I was so impressed that he and his grandmother
would take the time to understand what it was, that I went to his
Grandmother's house and thanked her for it. She said he just
didnt understand how that could happen until they looked it up
and that they both learned alot. Needless to say the three boys
have become wonderful friends and Michael's scar's havent been
the subject of disscussion sence.Who says kids are crule?

Patrecia Coble.