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Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 1998 4:37 pm
by Jennifer LAferriere
I am 11 years old and have a cleft lip and palate I hav
ealready have had surgeries and one reastenly(Palate).I am going
for one on my lip again.I don't know much about cleft palates and
lips because I don't ask. Could you guys Help me?

Re: Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 1998 6:06 am
by (another) Jennifer
My son, now 12 months was born with complete unilateral cleft
lip and palate & I have done ALOT of inquiring & research
about this!

You can email me

I will be more that happy to answer any questions either
posted on the cleft discussions, or my personal email. Either way
you prefer.

Re: Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 1998 6:16 am
by Anonymous
Hi, my name is Jennifer too! I am 29 years old and I will be
more than happy to answer any questions you have, let me know
which direction you would like to go. I have done extensive
research & I have learned alot about this.

I have 12 month old son who has a complete unilateral cleft
lip and palate (has already undergone lip & nose
repair.....and 2 weeks ago, he had palate repair)

You are more that welcome to email me on my personal email at or I'll reply on the cleft discussion
board, which ever you would like to do

Re: Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 1998 7:10 pm
by Anonymous
Hi Jennifer. My name is Amber and my 15 month old daughter was
born with a unilateral cleft lip and palat. She has gone through
three operations. When she was born we found a wonderful site on
the internet my Wide Smiles. I'm not sure what the address is,
but you can search for Wide Smiles and it should come up. It
helped me to understand a lot. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
I may not all the answers to your questions, but I will gladly
tell you anything you would like to know about the experiences
that I have had. If I can't answer you, I am sure I can find the
answer for you. Feel free to e-mail me at

Re: Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 1998 11:54 am
My son Erik, has a cleft lip & palate. When he was born, I
went to the library, which is where I work, & got some info.
They did not have a lot. So I looked in magazines. I found some
info. What you need to do is call your doctor for some info, or
call you cranio-facial team leader for recommendations. I also
did that & she was very helpful. I don't know if this will
help you but feel free to e-mail me anytime. You might be able to
help me with your experiences so I know what to expect as my son
gets older. Good luck. Lori

Re: Please Help Me Understand

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 1999 9:35 am
by Anonymous
Hi Jennifer,

I am a 32 year old female who went through what you're going
through, so that's why I'm writing to you. If you would like to
ask me any questions, like how different operations felt, how I
looked after, how I felt, etc, whatever you would like to know,
you can email me at