Chances of having a baby with CLCP

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Chances of having a baby with CLCP

Postby » Thu Aug 15, 2002 4:21 pm

I have been trying to find information on what the chances are that someone born with a cleft lip and palate will have a baby with the same. Are the chances higher? I am assuming so, but i wonder what the percentage is? Does anyone have any ifnormation on that?

I would really like ot have children some day. I think even if the chances were high, I would still have children, but i want ot be prepared so that my child would be taken care of, that i could take care of my child, and do everything possible for my child.

Also, someone told me that it is passed through the mother? Is this true? And, if so is it passed through the mother genetically or because of other circumstances?

Re: Chances of having a baby with CLCP

Postby Jeff Alterman » Thu Aug 15, 2002 8:47 pm

If the mother has a cleft palate herself, there is the chance that she might pass along a cleft palate to her child. However, it is much more likely if I'm not mistaken that the child will inherit the cleft palate from the father if the father has a cleft palate himself. I know one woman who was born with a partial cleft palate [soft palate completely cleft, maybe a small notch in the posterior of the hard palate and she gave birth to three children and none of them were born with clefts. From the one actual experience and t he others I've come across, I think that there is a good chance that you child will be born WITHOUT a cleft.

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Re: Chances of having a baby with CLCP

Postby » Fri Aug 16, 2002 3:30 pm

Hi, according to the genetic dept at Children's Hospital back twenty years ago, its 1 out every 10 chances that a child will be clefted. Also, I learned that if a boy has a cleft palate (no lip involvement), its genetic and inherited from either side of the family and there is 7% chance that gene will be passed on. But if there is a girl or boy born with a cleft lip and palate or just a cleft lip, its less likely to be genetic.

Re: Chances of having a baby with CLCP

Postby » Tue Aug 20, 2002 3:27 pm

Thanks, for the information. I was not sure about all of that. I have only met one person with a cleft lip and palate that had children. And none of his children were born with it. Then someone said it is only passed through the mother, so I wondered.


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