increasing nasality in my 3 year old (2 yrs post op)

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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increasing nasality in my 3 year old (2 yrs post op)

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:00 am

My son is 2 yrs. post-op from cleft palate surgery, and has become more and more hypernasal.
I noticed it slightly after surgery, but his dr.s denied it.
Now it is getting bad! He gets speech therapy at pre-school.
He has also begun throwing up after meals again-something he did pre-surgery. I'm starting to think it may be his tonsils. I am hesitent to remove them, though. Has anyone removed the tonsils of their cleft palate kids? Was it a mistake?
Thanks for your info!

Re: increasing nasality in my 3 year old (2 yrs post op)

Postby Barb » Wed Aug 07, 2002 11:35 am

Brooke had her tonsils and adnoids out before her cleft repair she too does still seem nasally but shes only going to be 2 on next thursday. if you find out any thing i would love to hear also if you would like to chat personally since we are both so fresh after surgery you can email me at

Re: increasing nasality in my 3 year old (2 yrs post op)

Postby Jeff Alterman » Mon Oct 07, 2002 7:41 pm

This seems to be a tough one for me to answer. I've pondered over your message on this board and it seems to me that something went wrong if your 3 year old son became more hypernasal after cleft palate surgery. There must also be some other issue if he is throwing up after meals. I seriously think that you should have a doctor take a thorough check of your son to see what kind of issues he has.

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Re: increasing nasality in my 3 year old (2 yrs post op)

Postby » Thu Nov 28, 2002 6:44 pm

This is my first time to this site and I just read your comment and question. My son does not have a cleft palate, however, I was told that he needs surgery due to a pharyngial gap. More specifically, he has a gap between his soft palate and the back of his throat. The surgery entails stretching his palate so there is no gap. My point is that he is hypernasal and has been since his adnoids were taked out four years ago. A gap may be something to look into since your child did recently have surgery on his/her palate.


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