expense of surgery, lack of help from health insurance

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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expense of surgery, lack of help from health insurance

Postby drh40etc@hotmail.com » Tue Jun 04, 2002 5:53 pm

Let's talk about the fact that health insurance does not recognize the necessity of repair to scaring during the teenage years.
The rationale is that it is not needed, there is no physical problem, therefore there is no support for fixing the lip, adjusting the nose.
So, are we to assume that only people of means, who have kids with cleft lips, should get all the cosmetic help their kids need?
Everyone else can deal with what they percieve as their imperfections?
When I look at my 15 year old daughter I see a lovely girl, she sees a scar and a crooked nose. This does not help her self esteem. We all know peer support is very powerful, more so than a parent's devotion.
What are your experiences, does any one know where to find some monetary backing? Or maybe how to approach the dreaded insurance blind eye??

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