Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby m_a_t_47362@yahoo.com » Mon Jan 14, 2002 7:10 pm

I am a mother who just found out that my 16 month old daughter, is in need of a "Rigid External Destraction" surgery, and I am in great need of information concerning this procedure, care of and feeding of child after surgery, or just plain good advice!!!!

I also have 2 other children , who are very close to their little sister and very protective of her, if any parent has a child that has been thru this with other siblings, please send advice on how to prepare them for what is to come!!!!

a very desperate mom, in need of good old fashioned advice, and support, thank you!!!!

Re: R.E.D. II

Postby Anonymous » Tue Jan 15, 2002 10:17 am

Hi, I just posted another note about this. Both the Apert list and and Crouzon list have kids who have had distractors. You can find the email discussion groups at the main sites

apert.org and crouzon.org

good luck. Lots of experienced parents and kids out there for you to hook up with. Pat

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